Safety On The Route

The following are some advisory notes to enhance your safety while cycling.

  • Your bike should be the right size for you, and the saddle and handlebars should be adjusted to the right height for your body. As a rule of thumb, your legs should not be fully extended when you are pedaling, and your feet should be able to reach the ground with ease when you are stopping.
  • Make sure your brakes are in good condition.
  • Wear a cycle helmet.
  • Remember, the Rules of the Road apply.
  • Obey traffic signs - red lights mean stop for cyclists as well!
  • Always be alert to what’s happening around you.
  • Always service your bike regularly.
  • Passing parked cars: When cycling alongside parked cars or passing a parked car, signal in advance, check for traffic approaching from behind, move out when it is safe to do so, and when possible pass at least 1 meter away from the cars in case a door opens suddenly.

On The Route Remember

  • When cycling please take other road users into consideration
  • Stewards and officials are there for your safety. Please follow their instructions
  • Clear hand signals are vital whenever pulling in / out or turning
  • Never cross a junction without first checking for traffic.
  • Draughting off a cyclist in front of you is fine just not too close and take your turn.
  • Please try to keep a steady line. Cyclists that constantly swerve in and out are a menace.
  • Once we have left the “Controlled Cycling Zone”, cycle no more than two abreast.

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